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Overcoming Challenges in the 3C Strategic Project to Achieve Mass Production and Delivery

Date: 2021/07/07 Views: 39

On July 7th, the last batch of equipment for a strategic project of the 3C Major Customer Business Center was successfully loaded and dispatched to the customer's site. This mass production task fully reflected the core values of "achieving customer success and unity in striving." All personnel complied with production arrangements when production capacity was needed, participated in front-line production work, supported the mass production task to meet standards, and practiced the work style of "ensuring task completion without making excuses" through their actions. Additionally, this project is also one of the significant strategic projects for the 3C Major Customer Business Center in exploring new business. In the future, the 3C Major Customer Business Center will continue to adhere to the "customer-centric" philosophy, overcome difficulties, face challenges without fear, and complete delivery tasks with quality and quantity assured.

3C Strategic Project

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Overcoming Challenges in the 3C Strategic Project to Achieve Mass Production and Delivery
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