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Subverting Traditional Real Estate | Robots + Real Estate = New Model of Smart Communities

Date: 2019/04/23 Views: 165

Bozhon Robotics joins hands with New Hope·Jinlinfu to take the lead in breaking the changes in "traditional industries" and explore new models of smart communities.

Brand new smart community

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, robots can provide more intelligent services, and the future community must be a new smart community model of robots + real estate.

The first people to take up their posts in New Hope Jinlin Mansion are the Bozhon reception robot Xiaobo and the retail robot. Xiaobo is an intelligent interactive robot with intelligent interactive systems such as face recognition, tidying up interaction, and voice interaction. It provides customers with services such as reception guidance, casual chat, and interactive entertainment. At the same time, she can also be connected to the smart home management system to provide customers with services such as reception guidance, casual chat, and interactive entertainment. Users automatically adjust smart home devices to continuously provide the most comfortable living environment.

Xiaobo Interacted Closely with His Friends at the Scene

Xiaobo interacted closely with his friends at the scene

The vending robot can move diligently in the lobby, making it convenient for customers to get delicious drinks anytime and anywhere.

retail robot

(retail robot)

Super Cute Sales Robot

The super cute vending robot arouses children's infinite curiosity

In the future, Bozhon Robot will continue to cooperate with New Hope Jinlinfu to help the real estate industry transform from a traditional marketing model to a new intelligent real estate marketing model, promote iterative upgrading of the real estate industry, and achieve diversified intelligent services.

Suzhou Bozhon Robot Co., Ltd. (BOHHOM for short, hereinafter referred to as "Bozhon Robot") was established in 2011 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bozhon Precision Group. Bozhon Robot Company is committed to the research and development, production and sales of service robot products. Its existing product lines include building delivery robots, security robots, interactive robots and open mobile platforms. The company has strong R&D capabilities, with a R&D team of more than 100 people, of which more than 70% are with master's degrees or PhDs. Has more than 70 patents.

As a provider of intelligent robot products, solutions and value-added services, Bozhon Robotics is committed to integrating robot technology into retail, security, cultural and creative, leisure and entertainment and other industries to improve the quality of human life. Focus on providing intelligent robot products and working with partners to use robot technology to improve existing industry solutions, release industry potential, and create new value. At present, the company's independently developed robots are widely used in shopping malls, hotels, technology parks, public security, hospitals, schools and other scenes. In the future, Bozhon robots will expand their application scope to provide more users with new intelligent experiences and considerate services, and jointly create A beautiful and harmonious intelligent society.


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Subverting Traditional Real Estate | Robots + Real Estate = New Model of Smart Communities
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